12月のごあいさつ ANAは地域の皆さまとともに
師走の青空と澄んだ空気に、身も心もキリッと引き締まる季節となりました。今年もANA をご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございました。今、『翼の王国』をお読みの皆さまは、どのような想いでこの一年を振り返っていらっしゃるでしょうか。私にとっては、地域の皆さまとANAの絆を改めて実感した年でした。ANAグループがこれまで歩んでこられたのは、大都市から離島まで、地元企業や関係者、住民の皆さまの並々ならぬお力添えの賜物です。なかでも特に強く印象に残った出来事を二つご紹介させてください。


次に、7月にANA就航35周年を迎えた石垣島の話です。弊社の石垣就航は、地元の皆さまの熱い期待と献身的なご協力によって実現しました。35年前、「石垣島の発展のために何としても青い翼を飛ばしたい」と立ち上がった地元の青年たちが、当社に繰り返し働きかけてくださったことで、 1989年、当時のエアーニッポンが那覇―石垣路線を開設。石垣空港に降り立った青い機体に「これで八重山の未来がもっと明るくなる」と大歓声で沸き立ったそうです。

その後、一日複数便化を果たし、福岡、名古屋、関西、羽田と次々と路線を拡大、今では B787大型機も就航するようになりました。記念イベントでは、「就航当初から毎朝、東の空に向かって、青い翼の安全を祈っています」と語る、変わらぬ熱意で ANAを応援してくださる皆さまとの強い絆、想いに触れて思わず目頭が熱くなりました。

ANA hand in hand with local communities
The clear skies and crisp air of December sharpen both body and mind. As another year comes to a close, I sincerely thank you for flying with ANA. To our readers of Tsubasa Global Wings, what comes to mind when you reflect on the past year? For me, this year was marked by the bonds forged between ANA and local communities. ANA Group has taken great strides forward thanks to the extraordinary support of local businesses, stakeholders, and residents, from major cities to remote islands. Let me share two particularly memorable events.
The first event is the Noto Peninsula Earthquake on January 1st, 2024. Despite being victims of this disaster themselves, the staff at ANA Noto Airport came together to take care of 600 people, including passengers and locals who had taken refuge at the airport. The entire staff leapt into their role as a disaster relief team and remained strong even as they slept on the airport floor without heating in the dead of winter. I am proud of our employees, who gave their all to be a source of comfort for the community and resume flights as soon as possible.
Then, on January 27th, a much-anticipated ANA aircraft landed on the restored runway at Noto Airport. The ANA airport manager, who had bravely led the relief efforts from the start, began to cry, a sight that brought all the staff together with renewed determination to keep pushing forward. Later, she shared, “I was glad that, in a time of crisis, the local community could rely on us.“

In September, while still recovering from the earthquake, Noto endured yet another disaster when heavy rains struck. I can only imagine how the people of Noto are feeling during this difficult time. ANA Group will continue its efforts to support the community and our airport staff in Noto as they move forward, one step at a time.

Next, let me share the story of Ishigaki Island, which celebrated 35 years of ANA service in July. Our service to Ishigaki came to be thanks to the passion and dedicated efforts of the local community. 35 years ago, young locals, determined to help Ishigaki grow, petitioned our company to bring our iconic blue wings to the island. Thanks to their efforts, Air Nippon opened the Naha-Ishigaki route in 1989. When that first blue aircraft landed at Ishigaki Airport, the locals rejoiced, knowing that this would further brighten the future of the Yaeyama area.

Since then, the route has expanded to multiple daily flights and added destinations like Fukuoka, Nagoya, Kansai, and Haneda, with large B787 aircraft now servicing the island. During the anniversary event, I was deeply moved by the enduring support from the locals, including one person who said, “Every morning since ANA began servicing the island, I’ve prayed for the safety of each pair of blue wings flying in the eastern sky.“ Such unwavering passion for ANA brought tears to my eyes.
No matter how times change, I believe it is ANA’s mission to continue building a brighter future together with local communities. This commitment is not limited to Noto and Ishigaki Island. With deep gratitude for the support and connections we’ve formed with our destinations across the country, we will continue to work hard together, overcoming challenges and growing hand in hand.
Wishing you all a 2025 full of hope. May you have a wonderful New Year.
President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue
首先是2025年1月1日发生的能登半岛地震。尽管全日空能登机场的员工们自己也受到地震影响,但在地震发生后,面对前来寻求庇护的约600名乘客和周边居民,却积极提供支持。在寒冬里没有暖气的机场办公室,他们在地板上休息,作为灾后支援团队的一份子尽心尽力参与支援活动。 员工们抱有“为平时关照我们的大家提供心灵寄托”以及 “尽快恢复航行”的决心,我对此感到骄傲。



最终在1989年,当时的Air Nippon航空公司开通了那霸至石垣的航线。听说当蓝色机身降落在石垣机场时,现场传出了“这将让八重山的未来更加光明” 的欢呼声。之后,我们成功实现每天多班次航行,并将航线逐渐扩展到福冈、名古屋、关西和羽田。如今B787大型客机甚至都已投入该航线。在纪念活动上,当听到大家说“从航线开通那时起,我们每天早上都会朝东祈祷飞机平安”时, 我感受到全日空支持者们的那份恒久热情和坚固纽带,不禁热泪盈眶。