7月のごあいさつ 安全への誓い

7月のごあいさつ 安全への誓い






一方、これまでの安全の常識が通用しない事例も増えてきました。例えば、世界的な気候変動の影響で荒々しさを増す天候は、新しい空の安全への脅威のひとつとなっています。そこで、ANAでは3D気象アプリ(ARVI)の活用や、「IATA Turbulence Aware」のプラットフォームで得られる乱気流のリアルタイムデータを活かした運航、各空港で蓄積したデータやベテラン社員の知見を収集・分析し、台風予測精度を向上させるなど、社内・社外の多くの方と協力しながらデジタルと人の力をフルに活用し、運航の安全をより確実なものとする努力を重ねています。


今年も7月には、変わらない安全、変わりゆく安全の取り組みについて、経営層から新入社員まで、国内外の社員で広く共有し語り合う場である「TALK SAFE」を開催します。この取り組みも、開始から30年以上経ちました。今後50年、100年と続けていくことで、確実に安全文化を継承、発展させてまいります。





ANA’s Commitment to Safety

In summer, sunflowers bloom under brilliant clouds and clear, blue skies. This is an important time for everyone at ANA to reflect on the importance of ensuring safety. July, especially, is a month we can never forget: In July 1971, aircraft collision occurred over the town of Shizukuishi, Iwate Prefecture, and in July 1999, a hijacking incident occurred during a flight from Tokyo. July, therefore, has been designated as Aviation Safety and Security Promotion Month. 

At ANA, we continue to improve our training programs, spurring our employees to respond professionally no matter what the situation, with safety always the priority. In addition to rigorous safety training on a routine basis, we carry out accident training drills to help employees learn from past mistakes and improve their ability to recognize potential problems. Further, we conduct risk identification training that makes use of virtual reality systems and 360° cameras. All ANA Group employees also participate in regular aircraft emergency evacuation training. As a result, even when flying as passengers, they can help cabin crew provide guidance and assist passengers in the event of an emergency, making ANA’s flights safer for everyone. 

In an increasing number of cases, however, conventional wisdom on safety doesn’t always apply. For instance, due to the global impact of climate change, extreme weather conditions are a new threat to flight safety. To ensure safety under changing circumstances, ANA is making full use of digital technology and human expertise, both internally and in cooperation with external organizations. During flights, for example, crews use real-time data on turbulence conditions obtained from the Turbulence Aware data-exchange platform set up by the International Air Transport Association. We are also employing the 3D weather app ARVI and predicting typhoons more accurately by compiling and analyzing data collected by experts at many different airports. 

ANA recognizes that safety measures must be implemented without fail and updated according to emerging conditions – their continued evolution forms a crucial foundation to ensure safety. The greater goal of our safety culture is that employees handling an emergency situation must act with confidence and independently make proper decisions for the sake of passengers and their colleagues, based on the ANA Group Safety Principles. Passing down this culture to future employees to fulfill our social responsibility of maintaining safety is our paramount mission. 

In July of this year, we hold our annual Talk Safe events to provide opportunities for a wide range of the Group’s members in Japan and abroad, from new employees to managers, to discuss routine safety measures as well as new initiatives. We have held the event for over 30 years and plan to continue it long into the future so we can preserve ANA’s corporate culture that puts safety above all else. 

This summer, I will personally visit sites where accidents involving ANA’s aircraft occurred in the past, to reaffirm my commitment to safety and strengthen my resolve to guarantee it. I will also write “safety” on the small piece of paper we offer at the Tanabata Festival held across Japan every summer. And I will work together with all ANA employees to ensure the safety of every flight, so that my wish will come true. 

Now that the summer season has finally arrived, everyone at ANA is looking forward to seeing the smiling faces of our passengers onboard. Thank you for flying with us today.

An amazing view of the Milky Way from Kohama Island in Okinawa (Photo: Haimurubushi)

President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue





但与此同时,有越来越多的场景不再适用以往的安全常识。例如,全球气候变化导致极端天气频发,已成为航空安全的新威胁之一。因此,全日空运用3D气象应用程序(ARVI),从“IATA Turbulence Aware”平台获得湍流实时数据加以利用,收集和分析各家机场积累的数据及资深员工的经验,以提高台风预测的精准度等,充分利用数字化和员工的力量,与集团内外多方协作,进一步保障航班的飞行安全。


今年7月,我们将举办“TALK SAFE”论坛,从管理层到新员工的所有境内外员工,均可通过这个平台广泛分享和讨论我们的安全举措中不变和持续更新的部分。这一活动启动以来,已经走过了30多个年头。今后,50年、100年,我们还将继续这一传统,确保将全日空的安全文化代代传承并发扬光大。



