2月のごあいさつ Mālama Hawai‘i
立春を迎えました。そろそろ暖かな場所に旅行に出かけたい、と思われているお客様もいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか。そこで今回は、ANAが2022年からハワイで開催しているイベント「ANA ‘Aha Mele」の中で印象に残ったエピソードを通じ、世界的ピアニストの辻井伸行さんとともに見つけた“ハワイと日本を結ぶ新しい旅”をご紹介させていただきます。

2022年11月、ホノルルの海辺に建つホテルのテラスで辻井さんが、心地よい潮風を顔に受けながら、指先だけをかすかに動かしていらっしゃいました。「何をなさっているんですか?」 不思議に思った私が尋ねると、辻井さんはニコリと微笑み、こう続けたのです。「いい風ですよね。風の音、波の音、遠くからは鳥の声も聞こえてきます。私は“ハワイの音”を、音符に落とし込んでいたんです」
ハワイでの文化交流および環境保全を目的としている「ANA ‘Aha Mele」。現地の言葉で“音楽会”という名のこの催しに、辻井さんは第1回から参加してくださっています。南の島とクラシックという意外な組み合わせですが、今や辻井さんのコンサートは話題に。地元の小学生を対象とした音楽教室も大盛況です。その効果もあり、州公認のラジオ局がクラシックを流すレギュラー番組も始まり、いまや高い聴取率を誇っているそうです。

皆さまは「Mālama Hawai‘i (マラマ・ハワイ)」という言葉をご存じでしょうか。「Mālama」は「思いやりの心」という意味で、ハワイの伝統文化や環境を後世まで守り続ける――、ハワイ版のレスポンシブル・ツーリズムのスローガンです。コロナ禍を経て、再び世界から観光客が訪れるようになった今、オーバーツーリズムの課題に向き合い、改めて自然と共存し未来を創っていくこと。これが、ハワイと日本を結ぶ私たちの責任だと感じています。
「今日、ここハワイで感じた音を曲にしましたので聴いてください」 2年半前、コンサートの中盤に辻井さんはそう語りかけると、この日生まれたばかりの旋律を奏でました。私の脳裏には、先ほど体感した風や波の音、そして鳥の声が蘇ってきます。やがて曲が終わると、目に涙を浮かべながら割れんばかりの拍手を送る人々。一方辻井さんは終始ニコニコと変わらぬ笑顔です。
辻井さんは幼い頃からハワイが大好きで、今でも訪れるたびに子どもの頃の思い出が蘇り、壮大な自然の中で、音と遊び、全力で楽しむのだそうです。この思いやりに溢れる島を、辻井さんのようにいつまでも愛し守りたい。そしてこれからも皆さまとともに「ANA ‘Aha Mele」を大切に育てていきたい。鳴りやまない拍手の中で、そう心に誓いました。

Mālama Hawaiʻi
It’s February, and I’m sure many of you are dreaming of a trip to somewhere nice and warm.
Today, I’d like to introduce a new journey connecting Hawaii and Japan which I discovered alongside world-famous pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii. This story revolves around ANA’s ‘Aha Mele event, which has been held annually in Hawaii since 2022.
In November 2022, on the terrace of a hotel overlooking the Honolulu coastline, Nobuyuki Tsujii sat quietly, letting the gentle sea breeze brush against his face, his fingers moving ever so slightly.
“What are you doing?” I asked, curious about the delicate motion of his hand.
With a warm smile, Nobuyuki replied, “It’s such a lovely breeze, isn’t it? You can hear the sound of the wind, the waves, and even the birds chirping faintly in the distance. I was capturing the sounds of Hawaii and translating them into musical notes.”
ANA ‘Aha Mele, named after the Hawaiian word for “concert,” is an event fostering cultural exchange and environmental conservation in Hawaii. Nobuyuki has been a participant since its inaugural event. While the pairing of a tropical island and classical music might seem unexpected, Nobuyuki’s concerts have become a sensation. His music workshops for local elementary school students have also been hugely popular. As a result, a state-certified radio station has launched a regular classical music program, which now boasts impressive listener ratings.
The event also includes annual tree planting in northern Oahu. Nobuyuki joined in alongside the other volunteers, happily getting his hands dirty. You may be wondering, what’s the connection between music and tree planting? The answer lies in the primary species of trees being planted—milo trees. Once mature, their wood is used to craft ukuleles, an essential part of Hawaiian music. By planting these trees, we aim not only to preserve Hawaii’s natural beauty, but also to support its cultural heritage. We hope these efforts inspire you to join us in shaping a sustainable future.
Have you heard the phrase “Mālama Hawai’i”? “Mālama” means care or compassion, and the phrase embodies a commitment to preserving Hawaii’s cultural traditions and environment for future generations. It serves as Hawaii’s version of a responsible tourism slogan. As global tourists return in the wake of the pandemic, tackling over-tourism and fostering a future where people can coexist harmoniously with nature have become crucial. We believe this responsibility to protect and sustain the environment is a common mission connecting Hawaii and Japan.
“Today, I composed a piece inspired by the sounds I felt here in Hawaii. Please have a listen.”
Three years ago, midway through a concert, Nobuyuki introduced a melody he had just created that day. As he played, the sounds of the wind, waves, and birds that we had listened to earlier came vividly to life in my mind. When the performance ended, the audience erupted into thunderous applause, many with tears in their eyes. Meanwhile, Nobuyuki remained quietly radiant, his gentle smile never fading.
From a young age, Nobuyuki Tsujii has cherished Hawaii. Even now, each visit brings back childhood memories, and he immerses himself in the island’s vast natural beauty, playing with the sounds of the islands and savoring the experience to the fullest. Inspired by his love for this compassionate land, we too are committed From a young age, Nobuyuki Tsujii has cherished Hawaii. Even now, each visit brings back childhood memories, and he immerses himself in the island’s vast natural beauty, playing with the sounds of the islands and savoring the experience to the fullest. Inspired by his love for this compassionate land, we too are committed to cherishing and preserving it. Amidst the thunderous applause that day, I made a promise to myself that I would continue nurturing ANA ‘Aha Mele for years to come, together with all of you.
From all of us at ANA, we look forward to serving you this month.
President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue

这次,我们将通过分享全日空自2022年起在夏威夷举办的活动“ANA ʻAha Mele”中印象深刻的故事,为大家介绍与世界级钢琴家辻井伸行先生一同发现的“连接夏威夷与日本的新旅行”。
“ANA ʻAha Mele”旨在促进夏威夷的文化交流和环境保护。活动名字在当地方言中,意为“音乐会”。自第一届起,辻井伸行先生便积极参与其中。南方岛屿与古典音乐的结合虽看似出人意料,但如今,辻井先生的音乐会已经成为热门话题。面向当地小学生的音乐课堂也取得了巨大成功。得益于此,夏威夷州的公营广播电台开设了古典音乐的常规节目,该节目如今似乎已拥有极高的收听率。
大家知道“Mālama Hawaiʻi(马拉马·夏威夷)”这个词吗?“Mālama”意味着“关爱之心”,旨在保护夏威夷的文化与自然环境并传承给后代,可以说是夏威夷版的负责任旅游口号。渡过新冠疫情之后,世界各地的游客再次涌入夏威夷,面对过度旅游的挑战,我们应当重新思考如何与自然和谐相处,共创未来。这正是将夏威夷与日本连接起来的我们所肩负的责任。”
辻井先生从小就非常喜爱夏威夷,每次造访时,总会忆起童年的点点滴滴,在那片宏伟的大自然中,他与音符为伴,尽情地享受着其中的乐趣。我希望能像辻井先生一样,永远珍爱并守护这充满关爱的岛屿。未来,我也希望能与大家一起继续壮大“ANA ʻAha Mele”这一活动。在那片雷鸣般的掌声中,我在心中如此发誓。”