9月のごあいさつ スポーツのチカラ

9月のごあいさつ スポーツのチカラ










それは1973年、前年の国交回復を受けて「日中交歓卓球」が日本各地で開催されていた時のことです。私の地元も開催地の一つとして選ばれ、当時卓球少年であった私は地域の中学生代表の一人として出場し、幸運にも当時の世界チャンピオン郗恩庭(シーエンティン)(Xi Enting)選手との、エキシビションゲームの機会を得ました。







September has arrived, but seeing tanned children glowing under the clear autumn sky, it still feels like this summer here in Japan. I’m sure many people were excited by the drama of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. For the first time in 100 years the event was held in Paris, the birthplace of Pierre de Coubertin, known as the father of the modern Olympic Games. The entire spectacle is not to be missed, through to the closing ceremony of the Paralympics on September 8 (Paris local time).

Amid the ongoing excitement, ANA will hold the 50th annual ANA Open Golf Tournament starting September 12. The tournament has produced many memorable finishes in past years, and I’m looking forward to how the competition plays out this year too.

Why are people drawn to sports? Personally, I am always amazed to see individuals dig deep to go beyond their limits in competition – to move faster, go farther and grow stronger. Sharing such powerful moments and excitement together creates strong bonds between sports fans. There are so many ways to enjoy sports, and that’s what makes them so special.

The ANA Open Golf Tournament held at the Sapporo Golf Club’s Wattsu Course

This power to connect people and communities through sports is evident during the ANA Open Golf Tournament. The event brings together many people who support it, including volunteers, the professional golfers who participate and local residents in Hokkaido where the tournament is held.

Although it was canceled twice before, once because of an earthquake and again due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tournament has gone on, thanks to the commitment and support of everyone who helped establish this important annual community event. ANA has used golf as a platform for creating this invaluable occasion, and we hope to continue supporting communities across Japan through an even wider array of sporting events in the future.

Sports have the power to bring people and their countries together. In 2006, I attended a ceremony to commemorate the 50th anniversary of friendly tennis table competitions between China and Japan. The event was held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, and I was working at ANA’s branch in the city at the time. I remember watching former world champions from Japan and China* reminiscing about past competitions and hugging each other with tears in their eyes. Seeing the profound bonds of athletes transcending cultural and national borders, I was brought to tears myself.

During the ceremony, I was pleasantly surprised to meet a Chinese table tennis player I knew, Xi Enting. I first met him in 1973 during a table tennis exchange tour that was held to celebrate the restoration of diplomatic relations between Japan and China the previous year. My hometown was selected as one of the venues, and I played table tennis for my junior high school at the time. In a stroke of fate, I was given the opportunity to play in an exhibition game against Enting, winner of the World Table Tennis Championships during that era.

I was proud of my serves and smashes back in junior high school, but they proved useless against Enting. He beat me easily, but then gave me lots of advice afterwards, including tips on serving and putting spin on the ball. He was so inspiring, but at the same time I felt frustrated by my inability to understand his explanations, despite the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This led me to study Chinese. I was just a boy, but sports opened a whole new world of possibility for me. When we met again 30 years later in Beijing, Enting and I spoke with joy about that day, this time speaking in Chinese. I will treasure both memories for life.

Having lived through times of war and political strife, Pierre de Coubertin declared that the Olympic spirit was about elevating the mind and soul, overcoming differences in nationalities and cultures, and contributing to world peace and our collective humanity through sports. Today, everyone at ANA hopes to contribute to a brighter and more peaceful world by serving as a bridge between people and cultures across the globe.

Everyone at ANA is honored to welcome you aboard this month.

*Japan and China dominated the sport of table tennis in the 1950s and 1960s, and many world champions came from both countries.




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