5月のごあいさつ 端午の節句によせて
代表取締役社長 井上慎一
Celebrating Children’s Day in Japan
May is a refreshing time of year, when the rustling of new green leaves can be heard in the warm breeze. Around Children’s Day, a holiday celebrated on May 5, countless carp-shaped streamers can be seen flapping against the sky around Japan.
There are varying explanations on the origin of these carp streamers. They symbolize hope for children to grow up healthy, since these fish not only thrive in clear fresh water but can survive in almost any aquatic environment. This time of year reminds us how parents always want the best for their children.
I have three sons, and when I was assigned to work overseas on two occasions, I worried about how they would adjust. Although the different cultures were puzzling at first, they soon made friends through sports and extracurricular activities, and perhaps came to understand our host countries more quickly than we adults. This made me appreciate the potential of a child’s mind.
I relished the chance to take my family on various trips. Even today we still reminisce about one trip to the island of Borneo. My boys were in elementary and middle school at the time. We stayed in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, at a hotel surrounded by rainforest and were shocked to see a monitor lizard just wandering around – quite an extraordinary welcome to begin our journey!
One of the main goals of our trip was to see giant rhinoceros beetles. I remember the sun setting beautifully over an orchid field on a mountaintop as our local guide spread out a big white sheet between two wooden uprights. When the sun went down and the sheet was lit up from behind by a floodlight, countless insects of all sizes swarmed onto the sheet from the dark forest around us. Occasionally we heard a thud, and looking on the ground, we finally saw the giant atlas beetles we had been hoping to find. Seeing them for real, my boys danced with joy, but the beetles were too big and fierce for them to hold. I was also amazed by their size. Bragging to my sons that I was an expert insect hunter, I went for it and grabbed one, but the beetle fought back even more than expected, leaving me with a minor finger injury.
Encountering the atlas beetles remains an amusing anecdote, and I have many other fond memories of the friendly encounters we had with locals during that trip – as well as with giant bush-crickets. These experiences, so impressed upon my children, have become clear and long-lasting memories. And even now, they bring joy to my family when we look back on them. My wife and I will always treasure these memories of our boys beaming brightly during this active and mischievous time of their lives.
Children live for the future, and maybe adults can’t really teach them as much as we think. Nonetheless, I believe that visiting unfamiliar places and interacting with people who have different values can have a powerful effect on children’s lives. These experiences give kids the power to overcome any challenge they will face in the future.
For anyone traveling with children, how about trying something a little out of the ordinary next time? Adventurous and fun family trips provide parents and their kids with a journey of making new and meaningful discoveries together. We hope ANA will be the airline you choose for that journey. We look forward to flying with you again this month.
Greetings from President & CEO
Shinichi Inoue