3月のごあいさつ 春よ来い
皆さまは「石割桜」をご存じでしょうか。岩手県盛岡市の有名な「石割桜」は、国の天然記念物にも指定されている、根回り 4.3メー トル、樹齢350年から400年とされるエドヒガンザクラです。この桜の木は、そのたくましい生命力で巨大な花崗岩を割って立ち、毎年美しい花を咲かせては多くの人々を元気づけ、楽しませてくれます。全国には他にもさまざまな石割桜が存在するようで、東北では復興の象徴として大切にされています。

代表取締役社長 井上慎一
Beckoning Spring to Come
Around this time of year, it seems like everyone is talking about the arrival of spring. In Japan, sakura, or cherry blossoms, are forecast to blossom this year at the usual time, or a little earlier than average.
Ishiwari-zakura is the name of one famous sakura tree in Japan, literally “rock-splitting cherry tree.” Located in Morioka, Iwate Prefecture, it is a double weeping rosebud sakura tree between 350 and 400 years old, and has been designated as a Natural Treasure of Japan. About 4.3 meters (14 feet) in circumference at its base, the tree grows from a crack in a granite boulder, demonstrating its vitality. Beautiful sakura trees blossom every year and are a source of great joy and encouragement in Japan. Sakura trees growing out of split rocks exist in other parts of the country too, but this particular tree has become an important symbol of Tohoku’s recovery following the earthquake and tsunami disaster that struck the region in 2011.
This month marks the thirteenth year since that disaster. For those who lost loved ones or their homes, the grief never ends, no matter how much time passes. Still, I remember the words of a person I met when visiting Tohoku around this time last year: “We must now move past the reconstruction stage and continue forward on our own. We must work together to renew our communities, and the entire Tohoku region.”
I was deeply moved by the strong will of people who, despite immeasurable suffering, continue to move forward one step at a time to realize their dreams and build a brighter future. “Even in deep winter, spring is bound to come.”
On New Year’s Day 2024, a major earthquake struck off the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, causing extensive damage across the Hokuriku region along the Japan Sea coast. It may take many years for communities to rebuild and fully recover. How can ANA contribute? First, we will help maintain the flow of essential personnel and supplies to and from disaster-stricken areas, which is ANA’s responsibility within the infrastructure of the airline industry. At the same time, we will deploy resources and expertise to continue providing support to the region. We will listen to disaster victims as they strive to overcome their hardship and help them in any way we can. Just like the rock-splitting sakura tree in Tohoku, we want to give hope to the disaster victims by reassuring them that ANA will always be there for them, no matter what the circumstances.
I sincerely hope that the Hokuriku region will rebuild and recover quickly, and the day will come when the people of the region can enjoy the sakura blossoms with peace in their hearts.

Greetings from President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue
