2月のごあいさつ アジア万華鏡

2月のごあいさつ アジア万華鏡















チャオプラヤー川から望むきらめくバンコクの街 写真:AWL Images/アフロ

代表取締役社長 井上慎一

The Great Asian Kaleidoscope

Here at ANA, we are delighted to have been certified as a 5-Star Airline for the 11th consecutive year by SKYTRAX, a British rating organization. We received this rating – the highest for global airlines – thanks to the support of our customers and partners in the industry. I would like to express my appreciation to all of them. The certification has renewed the ANA Group’s resolve to bring joy to the passengers and communities we serve, while continuing to place utmost priority on safety.

In other news, along with our brands ANA and Peach, we have launched a new ANA Group brand called AirJapan. This airline will begin flights to Bangkok this month and is already taking reservations. Some flights are nearly full already, with many passengers from Thailand. The number of tourists traveling to Japan from Asian countries has been rising sharply over the past dozen or so years.

ANA helped set the stage for this trend about three decades ago. We spent many years expanding flight routes to cities throughout Asia. At the time, I led a team in our sales division tasked with establishing new routes, and I was responsible for setting up a network of local offices in each country. On the day a new route commenced, I waited eagerly alongside local staff for the first ANA plane to arrive from Japan. We were exhilarated the moment it touched down, connecting Japan and yet another Asian country via a “bridge in the sky.”

No matter which city I look back on, whether Yangon in Myanmar, New Delhi or Mumbai in India, Jakarta or Denpasar in Indonesia, or Shenyang or Xiamen in China, I can still recall the faces of the local staff. Even now, I am filled with emotion. It was not easy negotiating with the government and officials in each country due to differences in culture, language, religion and values, but this made it even more rewarding when local teams succeeded. Many of my friends throughout Asia have long respected and appreciated Japan, and they were always there to support me.

Some moments remain unforgettable. For example, once when preparing for a flight in Myanmar, we were in a bind due to a lack of vehicles that tow the airliners on the runway. One of the staff members joked, “Don’t worry, we have elephants in Myanmar, so I’ll tow it with an elephant.” That made all of us laugh and brightened the mood, which helped us get through the situation.

Once, when driving from the airport into the city of Mumbai, a downpour started as I was driving through an expansive grassland. I stopped the car because it was raining so hard I couldn’t see. Before I knew it, I was surrounded by a herd of animals. I was shocked when I found a water buffalo staring at me through the car window!

Some seconded employees or business travelers felt like they were fighting an uphill battle in India, due to harsh climates or unfamiliar culinary customs. Yet somehow, when working in the country, I remained in good health and spirits.

Upon opening our general sales office in Nepal,I flew there from Thailand. When flying in Japan, sometimes it’s possible to look down Mt. Fuji, but on this trip, I was able to see Mt. Everest. There is nothing like it in the world. At our elevation, I felt like I was staring directly into the mountain’s face. It was my first time seeing Mt. Everest, and it was larger and more incredible than ever imagined. It was mostly covered in snow, but because the winds are completely unobstructed at the summit, they had blown off the snow, laying the black, rocky peak completely bare.

Through experiences like these, I came to deeply appreciate how each country in Asia radiates uniqueness and grandeur.

Over the years, development in Asian countries has proceeded at a remarkable pace. Having experienced different sides of Asia for three decades, I couldn’t be happier that a growing number of travelers from these countries are coming to Japan and interacting with people and culture here. During more recent travels in Asia, I have come to feel that alongside economic development, the allure of each country really shines through. I liken this to the sparkling of a kaleidoscope, and I remain inspired and motivated by Asia’s dynamic energy.

As AirJapan flights begin this month, the company will work together with ANA and Peach to form a tricolor bridge in the sky connecting Japan with the rest of Asia.

Through people, products and services, the three companies will continue to provide color throughout Asia. Thank you for flying with us this month. On behalf of everyone at the ANA Group, we look forward to serving you, wherever you are flying in the world.

The dazzling city lights of Bangkok behind the Chao Phraya River Photos : AWL Images / Aflo
Posing with ANA employees from Asia and Oceania, who will build the next bridges in the sky

Greetings from President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue














从湄南河上远眺曼谷辉煌的街景 摄影:AWL Images/Aflo
