2024年新年のごあいさつ 変わらないために変わる 

2024年新年のごあいさつ 変わらないために変わる 







① 2000年以上もの悠久の間、変わらぬ荘厳な佇(たたず)まい
② 繰り返されるお祭り(年間のお祭りの数はなんと1500回を上回るそうです)
③ 御札やお守りを年ごとの節目で新たに受ける(お土産を買う日本人の風習に繋がっている)






代表取締役社長 井上慎一

Evolve in order to stay the same

I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year! Thank you for flying with ANA in 2024.

How did you spend the New Year’s holiday? Here in Japan, many people begin the year with a visit to a Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple. In this month’s Japanese edition of TSUBASA GLOBAL WINGS, we feature Ise Jingu Shrine, or The Grand Shrine of Ise, considered one of Japan’s most sacred. (It will be featured in the February 2024 English edition.) Many people gather here to pray for security and world peace. I would also like to visit the shrine this year, to express my gratitude for life and pray that people worldwide find peace in their hearts.

Visiting Ise Jingu became a popular tradition during Japan’s Edo era(1603–1868). Today nearly eight million people visit the shrine annually, from Japan and abroad, some multiple times a year. When asked why, one of the shrine’s priests offered an explanation. First, the shrine’s magnificent façade has been preserved for over 2,000 years. Second, annual festivals have been held at the shrine more than 1,500 times to date. Finally, across the generations, people have been drawn to the practice of purchasing talismans and amulets from the shrine at special times of the year. This is also related to the Japanese cultural tradition of buying souvenirs.

These cultural practices and customs have a long history, and visiting the same shrine every year has become a treasured tradition for many people. I would also add that this brings wealth and prosperity to the surrounding community that provides visitors with lodging, food and more. This ancient sustainable business model can teach us so much today, especially since Japan is currently highlighting the importance of regional revitalization. Finding new ways to contribute to people’s livelihood, and their communities, will be more essential than ever for our collective sustainable future.

A priest at Ise Jingu also told me that the shrine must “evolve in order to stay the same.” As an example, the shrine’s main buildings are rebuilt every 20 years, during which historic construction techniques and implements are utilized again in the present day. This is one way the shrine continues to evolve while also remaining largely unchanged into perpetuity.

We at ANA, too, in this era of constant change, have renewed our resolve to continue adapting while preserving the aspects of our business and lives that have timeless value.

I hope this year will bring poignant evolution for our passengers, including pleasant memories of travel and new encounters. I would be delighted if ANA can play a part in that positive change.

Thank you sincerely for flying with ANA this year.

Greetings from President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue




话说早在江户时代,民间就非常盛行前往伊势神宫参拜,至今每年仍有约八千万人从世界各地前来造访,其中许多是回头客。有人询问神宫的神职人员说:“为什么人们会多次前来参拜?”神官回答道, ①两千多年来的漫长岁月里,神宫庄严伟岸的外观丝毫没有改变;②周而复始地举办民间活动(每年的活动次数竟超过 1500 次之多);③人们已经形成传统,每到新年都会换上新的家宅护符和护身符(跟日本人爱买伴手礼的风俗习惯有点关系)。这些应该就是神宫超越时代、吸引人们到来的秘诀。




