11月のごあいさつ ワクワクが生まれる場所~空港

11月のごあいさつ ワクワクが生まれる場所~空港





入社して初めての配属先が「羽田空港 旅客部」に決まった時は小躍りしました。空港で働くことが夢だったからです。チーム力に溢れるプロ集団の中、新人の私は、「お客様のために」という想いで、とにかくがむしゃらに、自分にできることは何でもやりました。









「JOIN OUR TEAM」空港で働く仲間の様子を


代表取締役社長 井上慎一

Airports are exciting, special places for all

Now that we are in late autumn, airport views at twilight are a wonderful sight. I am always amazed how the sky changes from orange to violet and a kaleidoscope of other colors.  

  Airports are among my favorite places. Who can fail to feel some expectation whenever you enter one? I think the excitement comes from scenes of passengers unfolding like a drama. Each moment seems important and special.

 When I joined ANA, I was overjoyed when the company assigned me to work at the passenger services department at Haneda Airport. I had dreamed of working at an airport, and as a new hire on a team of skilled professionals, I did everything I could to assist passengers.

  I remember one day I met an elderly woman wearing a kimono who appeared lost and confused in the departure lobby. I asked her if I could help and quickly learned that her flight was about to depart. Seeing that she clearly wouldn’t make it on her own, I said, “I’ll take you to the gate, ma’am, but we don’t have much time, so would you mind if I carry you piggyback?” The woman agreed, so I rushed to the gate as fast as I could with her on my back. Luckily, we made it in time, but later I was sternly reprimanded by a senior employee who witnessed the whole thing. I am quite embarrassed remembering this incident now, but I will never forget the words of gratitude I received from her.

 The ANA Group’s commitment to passengers has remained steadfast for many decades, and today our employees continue to serve passengers with passion and joy. Of course, the ANA Group works alongside many dedicated affiliate companies to ensure that every flight proceeds as scheduled, regardless of weather and wind conditions.

  Unfortunately, however, we are currently confronting a shortage of airport staff in Japan. Many employees have left the industry or quit their jobs over the three years of the COVID-19 pandemic and although travel demand has since resurged, restaffing efforts have fallen short. Occasionally I hear the opinion that airlines and airport operation companies don’t have a bright future, partially because people can now easily connect remotely. I personally disagree. Airports and airplanes are like a beautiful stage involving countless passengers every day, and this generates excitement in the world.

  People are driven by a desire to meet in person. When I see people traveling at the airport,  I am reminded of our genuine human need for communicating directly rather than remotely. The number of international visitors (excluding those from China) coming to Japan surpassed the pre-pandemic level this past July, and is expected to continue rising in the future. Undoubtedly, these visits by so many people have a positive impact on the economy. The Japanese government aims to see an increase in annual spending by international visitors to five trillion yen over the next few years and attract 60 million overseas visitors by 2030. I believe that maintaining vibrant airports – which are the gateways to Japan – is of utmost importance.

  To accomplish this, we must ensure that airports are places where people can work with pride and passion. Our focus has been on setting up an industry association for this purpose, which led to the establishment of the Airport Ground Handling Association on August 25, 2023. Through this association, 50 companies involved in ground handling* services will work collectively to tackle labor shortages and make airports more attractive places to work. It is also teaming up with the Scheduled Airlines Association of Japan, which I chair, to promote the benefits of working at airports.

  Ground handling staff strive to ensure airport safety and security, keep flights on schedule and improve comfort and convenience for passengers. ANA Group employees are also working with pride to offer the industry’s best airport experience and in-flight services. You can read about some of these employees in the series, “Wings Style” in this magazine, TSUBASA GLOBAL WINGS. I encourage you to take a look, as every article captures drama unique to the airline industry. 

  Thank you for flying with us today. We look forward to serving you.

* Ground handling refers to a wide range of services performed when an aircraft is on the ground, including passenger boarding and disembarking, and ramp services such as luggage and cargo loading as well as cabin cleaning.

President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue












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