10月のごあいさつ 読書と私

10月のごあいさつ 読書と私












コロナ禍でANAの営業統括を務めた時、「お客様がほとんどいない」という未曾有の危機下では、評伝『危機の指導者 チャーチル』等が脳裏に蘇りました。第2次世界大戦中に首相になって英国を勝利に導いた、あのウィンストン・チャーチルです。「凧が一番高く揚がるのは、風に向かっている時」「悲観主義者はあらゆる機会の中に問題を見出す。楽観主義者はあらゆる問題の中に機会を見出す」「決して、決して、決して、決して屈するな!」チャーチルの生き様はいつも私を奮い立たせてくれます。




代表取締役社長 井上慎一

The Joy of Reading

Thank you for flying with ANA. Autumn is a great time for reading. Has anything in particular inspired you to read? In my case, it was a schoolmate from long ago. 

 In my first year of high school, I had recently joined the school’s table tennis club. One day in May, as we were talking excitedly in our cramped clubhouse after practice, one of my classmates brought up Yukio Mishima’s novel, Confessions of a Mask. He spoke eloquently about the book, and I found myself struggling to understand many of the words he used. To my embarrassment, my knowledge of literature was clearly not up to par. This moment sparked a fire in me to start reading.

 Incidentally, the same classmate went on to write a number of books as a distinguished scholar of Japanese linguistics. He even received the prestigious Dr. Kyosuke Kindaichi Memorial Award. I have remained a dedicated bookworm, and all year round, I still love reading whenever I have time, including when traveling on business.

For me, reading is a way to vicariously experience different ways of life. Through books, whether novels, or nonfiction works of history or philosophy, reading improves my ability to respond and adapt to the encounters I face in life. This is almost like a form of training, and I believe my life would have been very different without reading.  

 Whenever I face adversity or hit a dead end at work, I look back on the books I’ve read to see how the protagonists overcame their challenges. I remembered characters who never gave up or lost their self-respect, despite struggling through extreme poverty and hardship, and people who built successful businesses through incredible ingenuity, under much more difficult circumstances than we can imagine today. My own problems feel trivial by comparison, and the books I read give me the insight and courage I need to keep moving forward.

 One example is a book written by Soichiro Honda, the founder of Honda Motor Company. The Japanese title can be translated as “Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. ” which means pursue opportunities that suit your abilities. I read this book about 40 years ago when I was a university student, and it taught me to value my individuality and unique strengths. Those lessons gave me courage when I finished school and anxiously entered the business world. The book also taught me that behind every success are 99 failures, and I continue to hold that idea close to my heart.  

Reading about great historical figures can provide deep insight into what’s required of a leader. After I was appointed as CEO of Peach Aviation, I read a historical novel about Oda Nobunaga, a 16th century feudal lord who was influential in unifying Japan. As Japan’s first low-cost carrier, the company’s brand recognition was very low, and it had limited capital and human resources. Under pressure to make the business successful, however, I was interested in how Oda Nobunaga led an army of 3,000 men to defeat about 25,000 troops commanded by Imagawa Yoshimoto, another feudal lord, in the battle of Okehazama. By reading about this battle, I was able to realize that the path to success is always attainable if you set your mind to it. Oda Nobunaga’s victory from long ago remains quite relevant for doing business today. 

 When I was put in charge of ANA’s sales and marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented time when we hardly had any passengers, I remembered a book I read about Winston Churchill, who guided the United Kingdom to victory in World War II. I remain inspired by his life and words, like “Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it,” “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty,” and “Never, never, never, never give up.”

Reminiscing on life now, reading has taught me so much about the people I admire, my work, my values and more, making me the person I am today. By reading, I hope to continue engaging with fresh perspectives and ideas in the future. Reading by my desk lamp on a quiet autumn evening is pure bliss, and getting lost in a book is a welcome break from daily life. I hope you, too, will spend some quality time reading a satisfying book this autumn.

Thank you for choosing ANA and flying with us today.

President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue














