8月のごあいさつ 安全への誓い

8月のごあいさつ 安全への誓い






ANAでも「デジタルの力」を積極的に活用しています。今年6月には、国際航空運送協会(IATA)のプラットフォーム「IATA Turbulence Aware」に参加しました。乱気流に関するデータをリアルタイムで収集・蓄積し、飛行中の安全をより確かなものにするのです。ANAは他社に先駆けてこれに加盟、日本の航空会社としては初めての参加となります。IATAからは世界の航空業界全体の安全向上に貢献する当社の姿勢を高く評価していただいています。





代表取締役社長 井上慎一


Our Commitment to Safety

In the summer season, thunderhead clouds often appear against the blue sky.

It is also the time of year when all ANA Group employees reaffirm their commitment to safety. We designate July as a month to promote safe air travel and improve aviation security. As part of those activities, I travel to places where accidents have occurred in the past. This year, my visits included the town of Shizukuishi (Iwate Prefecture) in July, as well as the city of Shimoda (Shizuoka Prefecture) and the island of Hachijo (Tokyo) this month. In each of these locations, aviation accidents involving ANA’s aircraft happened over 50 years ago. I value these memorial trips as opportunities for renewing our pledge to keeping the skies safe, which must never be forgotten no matter how many years pass.

Over the past five decades, the aviation industry has seen remarkable technological advancements, which have greatly improved safety. It is no exaggeration to say that the skies are safer now thanks to the power of digital technologies. Besides their use in aircraft design and manufacturing, these technologies are at the core of flight simulators used to train pilots, autopilot and air traffic control systems, as well as systems for analyzing and sharing aviation data.

ANA is actively applying such technologies. Last June, we began using the Turbulence Aware data-exchange platform set up by the International Air Transport Association, or IATA. It is designed to make air travel safer by enabling users to collect and save turbulence-related data in real time. ANA was at the forefront of this initiative and the first airline in Japan to join it. The IATA has commended ANA for its efforts to help improve safety in the global airline industry as a whole.

Digital technologies are not flawless, of course. ANA experienced a system failure on April 3 of this year, resulting in major inconveniences for many passengers. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to all of those affected. When such a system breaks down, our employees are put to the test, as they must find ways to minimize the impact on passengers and devise measures for preventing a recurrence. Regardless of how far digitalization advances, I am convinced that managing and making the most of such technologies will ultimately come down to people’s abilities.

Still, people make mistakes, no matter how carefully they act. From that standpoint, we aim to devise ways to prevent accidents from happening even in the event of human error. As digital technologies continue advancing, we will need to find a stable balance between the capacity for those technologies to adapt to changing circumstances and the ability of people to maintain safety. Based on this approach, the entire ANA Group will strive to ensure safe air travel for generations to come.

Ensuring safety has always been the most important thing we can do for our passengers. In addition to technological innovations, working as a team and communicating effectively every day are vital for enhancing safety. In that way, we can foster a safety-first culture while renewing our commitment to safety in a respectful and straightforward manner. As president and CEO, I promise to renew this commitment every day while taking responsibility for the safety of ANA’s passengers and employees.

All members of the ANA Group strive to ensure the safety and comfort of each and every flight. Thank you for choosing ANA and flying with us today.

President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue

The island of Ganjima in Shimoda, Shizuoka Prefecture, is a memorial site for an aviation accident that occurred off the coast.





全日空也在积极运用“数字的力量”。今年6月,我们加入了国际航空运输协会(IATA)的平台“IATA Turbulence Aware”,以实时收集和积累乱气流的相关数据,从而进一步确保飞行过程中的安全。全日空航空公司是日本境内首家先于其他公司加入该联盟的航空公司。国际航空运输协会高度赞赏我们为改善全球航空业整体安全做出贡献的姿态。





