7月のごあいさつ 青い炎を燃やせ
そんな三笘選手とこの度ご縁ができたことを心から嬉しく思います。彼はこれからも自分の可能性を信じ、世界を舞台に常に更なる高みにチャレンジする大切さを私たちに示し続けてくれることでしょう。ANAはそのひたむきな努力と挑戦を全力で応援します。そして、三笘選手やサッカー日本代表「SAMURAI BLUE」が、日本中を元気にしてくれるように、ANAグループもまた、日本の元気を後押しする存在でありたいと思います。

いよいよ7月20日より、FIFA 女子ワールドカップ オーストラリア&ニュージーランド2023が開幕します。12年前、男女を通じてアジアの国として初めてFIFA女子ワールドカップで優勝し、世界中を驚きと感動で沸かせたサッカー日本女子代表「なでしこジャパン」。東日本大震災という逆境の中でも「日本に勇気を送りたい」と心をひとつにして、それまで一度も勝ったことのない強豪ドイツとアメリカを打ち破りました。
代表取締役社長 井上慎一
A Summer of Exciting Sports on the Way
July marks the arrival of summer in Japan, and the month plays host to countless events around the country. Many of you flying today must be looking forward to a long-anticipated summer vacation.
Summer is also a busy season for sports. Many competitions are held during summer in Japan, including national high school tournaments that bring excitement to communities across the country. Personally, I love playing and watching sports. It’s hard to beat the excitement of a fast-paced game, especially electrifying moments when athletes shift the momentum with passion, resolve and skill. I celebrate the victory of a hard-won match as if it were my own, and these moments also inspire me to keep working hard.
Last month, ANA announced a sponsorship deal with football player Kaoru Mitoma, who plays for Brighton & Hove Albion in England’s Premier League. Mitoma is also a member of the Japan national football team and became something of a global sensation at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar last November. The decisive moment happened during Japan’s match against Spain. I watched the game together with people of many nationalities at a restaurant in Geneva, Switzerland. The Spanish team – a football powerhouse ranked much higher than Japan – had taken the lead and controlled the match in the first half. But Mitoma never gave up and provided an assist to the winning goal. The ball was originally ruled to have been out of play, but after a nail-biting video review, it was judged to have been in play by what appeared to be just a few millimeters. The restaurant erupted in shouts and cheers the moment the goal was allowed. Japan went on to celebrate victory in Doha that evening. After the match, people in the restaurant congratulated me and praised the team’s performance. I had never felt prouder to be Japanese than on that evening.
I am delighted to have begun our sponsorship with Kaoru Mitoma. He is confident in his potential, and I am sure he will continue to demonstrate the importance of taking on challenges to reach greater heights on the world stage. ANA will do all it can to support his efforts to grow as a player. In the same way Mitoma and the men’s national football team, nicknamed SAMURAI BLUE, inspired people in Japan during the World Cup, the ANA Group will strive to bring vitality to communities in Japan and around the world.
ANA has also entered a major partnership agreement with the Japan Football Association (JFA). The JFA has set the ambitious goal of hosting and winning the FIFA World Cup by 2050 while building a football family community of 10 million people. ANA is backing the JFA’s efforts to reach the pinnacle of the football world and broaden its fan base by spreading the joy of football. Our conjoined efforts will also contribute to community development, physical fitness and well-being.
In addition to developing players who can compete internationally, the JFA is creating more opportunities for people to play soccer at any age, especially since people commonly live into their 80s and 90s nowadays. As part of this effort, the JFA has been promoting “walking football,” a game that disallows running and physical contact so players cannot fight for the ball. Anyone can play walking football safely, even if they have little experience, a low level of physical fitness or a disability. This opens up a world for everyone to enjoy. I believe that the JFA and ANA, which both use blue as their brand color, will bring excitement to people in Japan and around the world through our partnership.
Starting on July 20, the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup will be held in Australia and New Zealand. Twelve years ago, the Japanese national team, nicknamed Nadeshiko Japan, surprised and inspired people worldwide by winning the FIFA Women’s World Cup . It was the first Asian team – men’s or women’s – to win the final. The tournament was held just months after Japan’s Tohoku region was devastated by the major earthquake and tsunami disaster of 2011. Despite the disaster, the team fought as one to inspire Japan by beating teams it had never beaten before, including the reigning champions Germany and the United States. At the Women’s World Cup this year, too, we can look forward to more thrilling, unforgettable moments. I will be following the Japanese team closely as they fight to become champions again after their victory three tournaments ago, joining countless football fans from Japan sending our support.
President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue
我很高兴能与三笘选手结下缘分。今后,他一定会继续相信自己的潜力,以世界为舞台,继续向我们展示不断挑战新高度的重要性吧。全日空将尽最大努力支持其不懈的努力和挑战。正如三笘选手和日本国家足球队“SAMURAI BLUE(蓝武士)”为日本注入活力一样,全日空集团也希望成为支持日本活力的存在。