











代表取締役社長 井上慎一



Celebrating Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of May every year. Expressing love and appreciation to your mother directly could make some people feel sensitive or nervous, but I think this special day provides a wonderful opportunity to convey our feelings through both words and actions.

My own mother turned 89 this year. She used to worry constantly about me when I was a child, as I was prone to getting sick. During summer vacation, she would always take me to see a doctor in Tokyo. On the train there, I would gaze out the window at the bright pink oleander flowers in full bloom against the blue sky and fluffy white clouds. To this day, I always think of my mother whenever I see oleander flowers blooming in summer.

My mother is such a strong person. I have never heard her complain about anything. She faced so much hardship while growing up during the harrowing wartime period. Upon graduating high school, her teachers encouraged her to pursue college, but she had to give up on the idea because her family could not afford tuition. Nonetheless, she loved to learn and was always reading in her free time. I think my love of books came from seeing my mother read so often.

My passion for table tennis also came from my mother. Although my doctor advised me against any strenuous exercise, once I entered junior high school, my mother suggested I stay fit by playing a low-impact sport like table tennis. I joined the school’s table tennis club thinking it would be easy, but I was very wrong! I practiced hard, and was actually able to build strength to the point that my physique changed dramatically. Looking back on it now, it’s not an exaggeration to say I developed both my physique and my ambition thanks to my mother. 

I took one particular trip with my mother that I will never forget. We headed to  Toyama in wintertime to visit the relatives my mother stayed with when taking refuge during the war. I was in sixth grade, in an era when steam locomotives were still running. On our trip, we entered a tunnel, but didn’t think to close the window. By the time we came out the other end, our faces were black from the soot of the locomotive! I can still see my mother’s face, smiling gently at me, even while the passengers all laughed.
Toyama had massive snowfall that winter. The first floor of our relative’s house was completely buried, so we went in through the second-floor entrance. I will never forget the shock of learning their house had a second-floor entrance! The neighborhood was completely covered in snow, and we mainly stayed inside. The house was older but larger than our own, with a spacious dirt floor that was a great place for kids to play. I can still recall the scent of damp earth inside that house.

This year, in an effort to show my mother I care for her, I asked her if she would like to take a trip somewhere. To my surprise, she said she’d like to go to Toyama in the wintertime – she must still love places where the air is crisp and cool. Maybe it was those winters in Toyama that made my mother grow up so strong. When I was a child, she took me to where she grew up, and soon, I will take her back – our roles reversed. This time, perhaps she’ll recall her childhood memories of traveling there, and I will see her in a new light.

Many municipal governments have been focusing on accessible tourism in recent years, and I appreciate their efforts to allow anyone – elderly mothers included – to enjoy traveling with peace of mind. Working together with these municipalities, ANA will continue to expand its range of services that allow traveling to be accessible and fun for everyone.
How about taking your mother or a loved one on a trip this year? At ANA, we’re ready to help you embark on a wonderful journey that will bring back old memories, and create new ones as you deepen your bond together. 
Thank you for reading this month’s edition of Tsubasa Global Wings. We look forward to flying with you.

President & CEO, ANA
Shinichi Inoue










Oleander flower: Native to India, it was introduced to Japan via China in the middle of the Edo era (1603–1867). The name oleander means “resembling an olive leaf ” in Latin.
